Pinewood held its annual Career Day which provides fifth-grade students with a unique opportunity to connect with professionals from a wide range of industries. This allowed students to explore potential career paths, ask questions, and gain knowledge from experts in various fields.
This event aligns with Mohonasen’s Portrait of a Gifted Graduate by fostering financial literacy and encouraging students to think critically about their future. Through hands-on learning and discussions with these professionals, students gained a deeper understanding of the many career paths available to them and the essential skills needed for success.

Careers discussed:
- Aesthetician
- Salon Owner
- Lawyer
- Business Owners
- Mechanic/ Diesel Tech
- Sheriff
- Tax Technician
- Probation Officer
- Nurse
- Radiologic Technologist
- Bookkeeping
- Nurse
- Identification Specialist II
- Individuals with Disabilities Advocate/ Nonprofit Organization
- Rural Mail Carrier
- Detective
- Dental Hygienist
- Project Manager for Digital Marketing Software