Author: Kelsie.Conroy

  • December 13; College panel for juniors & families

    College admissions professionals will be at the high school’s large instructional room (LGI) on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 6 p.m. to share information about the college application process with students and their parents/guardians. Topics discussed Naviance – A great web-based program to help you with the college process How to research colleges and the resources…

  • Grand opening of student-run First NY Federal Credit Union branch

    Mohonasen High School partnered with First New York Federal Credit Union to open a new student-run branch at the Center for Advanced Technology (CAT) building.  Mohonasen high school students will have a controlled environment to volunteer as a teller, transact and earn rewards for their saving efforts. The Legacy Branch, a name chosen by students,…

  • 2023 MHS Academic Letter Awards Ceremony

    The district recognized students in grades 10, 11, and 12 who have earned a 90% or higher GPA in at least three of the four previous school year marking periods during the 2023 Academic Letter Awards Ceremony.  “Their dedication to academic excellence shows the realization of their potential and has set a shining example for…

  • Mohonasen represented at All-State music festival

    Senior Togba Doe represented Mohonasen at the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) Music Festival as a member of the 2023 All-State mixed choir. The festival took place in Rochester, NY. For a student to be selected, they must have ranked the highest in their adjudication room at the NYSSMA solo festival this past spring.…

  • Draper yearbooks are on sale now

    If you would like to purchase a 2023-24 Draper Middle School Yearbook online, visit and search “Draper Middle School” to order. There is a presale price of $25 from now until January 31. After the presale is over, the cost will be $30. If you have any questions, contact Mary-Frances Gorton at

  • MHS Honor Roll Quarter 1

    Gold Honor Roll is awarded to students who achieve a grade point average of 95 or above. Silver Honor Roll is awarded to students who achieve a grade point average of 90 to 94. Bronze Honor Roll is awarded to students who achieve a grade point average of 85 to 89. 2023 – 2024 School…

  • Class of 2024 cap and gown

    Attention Class of 2024, there is still time to order your cap and gown. Please see Ms. Kristie Tomaselli in the main office to place your order. Pricing is $25. Checks can be made to Balfour, or cash needs to be exact change.

  • Mohonasen Food Pantry prepared 70 Thanksgiving dinners

    The Mohonasen Food Pantry, run by social worker Diane Blinn and social studies teacher Autumn Wallace, worked hard this week to provide holiday assistance to approximately 70 district families. With the help of student volunteers, the group prepared Thanksgiving food boxes with donations from Bethel Full Gospel Church. These boxes, designed to bring warmth and sustenance…

  • Cardboard Challenge winners tour the CAT building

    Bradt and Pinewood students who won last month’s Cardboard Challenge had the exciting opportunity to tour the Center for Advanced Technology (CAT) building, led by K-12 Instructional Technology Administrator and CAT building principal, Bill Vacca. The highlight of the day was the hands-on STEM activities planned by high school technology teachers for the young minds.…

  • Draper High Honor and Honor Roll for Quarter 1

    At Draper Middle School, High Honor Roll is awarded to students who achieve a grade point average of 94.5 or above. Honor Roll is awarded to students who achieve a grade point average of 84.5 to 94.5. 2023-2024 School Year Draper High Honor Roll Quarter 1 Grade 6 Anderson, Ethan Jeffrey Bertrand, Austin Travis Billington, Logan…