Mohonasen’s seven school board members are elected to serve three-year, unpaid terms. The Board of Education election is held annually on the third Tuesday of May, alongside the district’s annual budget vote.
The district now shares Board of Education meeting agendas, minutes and other documents with the school community through BoardDocs, a cloud-based school board management software. Meeting agendas are posted on the system prior to each meeting.

(Top left to right) Patrick Ryan, Chad McFarland, Ericka Montagino, Theodore Perretta, Nick Giardono
(Bottom left to right) Danielle Ciampino, Melissa Laudano
Mohonasen’s Board of Education Members
Ericka Montagino, President
Term expires June 30, 2027
Chad McFarland, Vice President
Term expires June 30, 2025
Melissa Laudano
Term expires June 30, 2025
Patrick Ryan
Term expires June 30, 2026
Danielle Ciampino
Term expires June 30, 2026
Theodore Perretta
Term expires June 30, 2027
Nick Giardono
Term expires June 30, 2027
More information
Meetings Directions
Most Board of Education meetings are held in the Farnsworth Technology Center in Mohonasen High School. This room is also sometimes called the “LGI” (short for Large Group Instruction hall). From the main lobby of the high school, turn RIGHT and proceed down the hall. At the library lobby take a LEFT and proceed down that hall. At the end of the hall take a RIGHT after the cafeteria (Cafe “B”) and the Farnsworth Technology Center will be on your left.
Member Experience
The New York State School Boards Association has created this webpage entitled The School Board Member Experience to answer questions of new and potential school board members.