About Bradt Primary

Bradt Vision Statement

Bradt Primary School strives to provide every child with a community that embraces diversity. We foster learning through problem solving, creativity and respect. We believe that social emotional development is the foundation for all other learning. Through collaboration between our community, families and staff, we will value and support our students to become lifelong learners and engaged citizens, as we celebrate the successes of all.

Bradt Mission Statement

Accept, Connect, Challenge, Nurture

School Attendance

Quality instructional time is our priority. Education Law Section 3205 requires that students attend school every day unless excused. We strongly believe that children learn best in the educational setting. While children sometimes must miss school for a variety of excused reasons, (i.e. illness, bereavement, religious observance), a growing number of children are missing school for unexcused reasons (i.e. vacations). It is not possible for teachers to prepare work in advance to make up for such an absence. The instructional experience children miss during an unexcused absence often cannot be made up upon their return. Teachers, at their discretion, may suggest alternate assignments in relation to the duration and nature of the absence (i.e. journal writing/travel logs, practice math facts). Obviously, we discourage unexcused absences. Our goal is to provide the best possible instructional opportunities for all children, as they work to attain higher standards. Thank you for your cooperation in taking family vacations during school vacations, and in making school attendance a priority.


If your child is going to be absent please call the school before 9 a.m. each day of the absence. If you need to leave a message, please give the child’s name, the date and the reason for the absence. If we haven’t heard from you in the morning and your child’s name shows up on our absence list, we will call to verify your child is home. Parents will be notified through an automated service when their child is absent. Please be sure to send in a note when the student returns to school. Thank you in advance for reporting your child’s absence, because reporting all illnesses, especially a communicable disease, helps us take immediate action to eliminate or control the spread. Students who are absent from school must submit a written excuse signed by the parent/legal guardian within three (3) school days of their return. The student’s attendance record will permanently reflect an unexcused absence after three school days. The excuse should include the reason and date(s) of the absence.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Student Drop-Off: 8:20 a.m. (breakfast program begins at 8 a.m.)

If you are driving your child in the morning, please enter off of Hamburg Street entrance into Bradt and use the Visitor Parking near the fence line to the right.  Please walk your child along the sidewalk to the A-Wing Entrance.  Please be sure to sign in your child(ren).  

Parents signing students in after arrival are asked to park in the visitor section and walk their child along the sidewalk to the main lobby. School faculty and staff are available to escort children to their classrooms as needed.


Students will board the buses at 2:50 p.m. For the safety of each student, any changes in a student’s usual transportation must be indicated in a note to the main office.

Dismissal before 2 p.m. – To pick up your child during the school day, please send a note to the classroom teacher to let him or her know when to have the child ready. Stop in the main office and sign the child out in the Student Log. The staff will contact the classroom and have the child come to the main office. Please be prepared with a picture ID as we try to know our parents but are not familiar with all adults picking up children.

Dismissal at 2:50 p.m. – Unless we receive written instruction from a parent, all students will be sent home on the school bus.

Pick-up with a note – If your child is being picked up, please send a YELLOW “Note to School” to the classroom teacher indicating who will be picking up the student. Students being picked up at dismissal will be called to report to the main office. If you find it necessary to change your child’s dismissal plan and haven’t sent in a note, please call the main office at 518-356-8400 to make arrangements prior to arriving.

Emergency dismissals – A variety of reasons could make it necessary to dismiss school early. Loss of power and/or water, a hazardous condition in the area, and inclement weather are examples of such situations. Unplanned early dismissals are announced by the media. When possible, our automated phone-calling system and automated email notifier system for those who have subscribed to this free service, School Messenger, will be activated. To sign up for School Messenger, click on the bottom right-hand side of the district homepage.

If the phone numbers on the emergency contact sheet you filled out change, please update those numbers through your child’s teacher. We know you fill out and return many forms at the beginning of the year, and we appreciate your prompt response. Please remember to notify us of any change in emergency, home, or work numbers throughout the year. It is critical that we have accurate information in order to reach you quickly in the event of an emergency.

While every attempt will be made to activate the automated phone calling and email systems, in the event of an unplanned early dismissal, there may be times when that is not possible (jammed phone circuits, loss of phone service, insufficient time). Please make sure your child knows what to do if he/she arrives home unexpectedly and you are not there. You can access emergency school closing/delay information from the Mohonasen district website or via the district Facebook page.

Code of Conduct

Click here to read the Code of Conduct for Mohonasen Central School District.

Parent Handbook

Click here to read the Parent Handbook for Bradt Primary.

The 1,000 Book Club

Instill a love of reading

As we prepare for a wonderful  new year of learning here at Bradt School, we are excited to let you know that we have updated our 1,000 Book Club!  The 1,000 Book Club is an amazing lending library of picture books for young children that is here to help you instill a love of reading in your child. This convenient library, located in our main hallway,  is also a wonderful resource for you to use in order to get those 20 minutes of reading in every night!

Here’s how the self-serve program works:

If you are a new or returning member:

  1. Fill out a blank registration form in the “new registration” binder at Bradt Primary School cafeteria, located at 2719 Hamburg Street in Rotterdam.
  2. Place card in the binder that is labeled by letter – according to your child’s last name.
  3. Select a bag of books between the hours of 8:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m. daily. In order to accommodate many families, please only sign-out one bag of books at a time. Please be sure to return the books no later than 1 week from sign-out. For example, if you sign-out on a Monday, please return the books by the following Monday. Your child may also return and sign out with assistance from our First New York Banking parent volunteers on Fridays.

Returning Bags:

  1. Place bags in numerical order on the bag stands. Each pocket hold two or three bags of books.
  2. Select and sign out your new bag!

You can track the number of books you have read on an individual chart for your child. This chart will  be displayed on our 1,000 Book Club bulletin board. For every 10 books read, your child will receive a sticker for their chart.

As a self-serve program, parents are expected to:

  • Keep track of which tote bags you’ve borrowed by checking off the numbers (1-100) on the back of your child’s registration form (kept in the sign-out area in the main hallway).
  • Please return bags within a one-week period.
  • Parents should add a sticker on the chart once for every 10 books are read.
  • We will send home overdue notices, on bags that have not been returned.
  • We will recognize students who complete a sticker card with a small prize at the main office. Please ask your child to check with their teacher to pick up a prize.
  • We will also recognize students and invite families to attend morning program once a student has reach the halfway mark and then completed the program. We have morning programs in October, December, February, and April.

Thank you in advance for following the process above so our 1,000 Book Club runs smoothly!

If you have any questions, please contact Principal Leslie Smith, at 518.356.8401.

Additional reading resources

Scholastic Teacher Book Wizard – Find resources to leveled reading books, book talks, author information, lesson plans, and much more.

Serving students in grades K-2
School Hours: 8:20 a.m. – 2:50 p.m.


Bradt Primary
2719 Hamburg Street
Schenectady, NY 12303
Phone: 518.356.8400
Fax: 518.356.8404
Leslie A. Smith, Principal

Lynn Boivin, Nurse

Gail Greeley, Health Office Assistant