Category: Bradt Primary

  • Free school meals will continue for the 2024-25 school year

    We are pleased to inform you that Mohonasen will be implementing a meal certification option available to schools participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs for the 2024-25 school year. What does this mean for your children attending Mohonasen? All students enrolled at all Rotterdam-Mohonasen Schools are eligible to receive a healthy…

  • District will move to new communication platform, ParentSquare

    Mohonasen School District is introducing a new communication system, ParentSquare, for the 2024-25 school year.  Parent and guardian invitations to register for ParentSquare have been sent out but you can also get started by watching the Parents – Getting Started video. If you did not receive an email, please contact your student’s building main office.…

  • 2024-25 school calendars

    The Mohonasen school calendar is currently being mailed to district families. A printable version is available below. 2024-25 School Calendar PDF

  • Grade 2 moving up celebration

    Grade 2 students said goodbye to Bradt during their moving up ceremony and celebrated with a field day right after!

  • 2024 District Art Show video

    For those who could not attend the 2024 Art Show, Draper art teacher Mr. Blais, created a video showcasing our amazing district artists featured in the show.

  • Voters approve school budget and buses; Montagino, Perretta and Giardono elected to the Board of Education

    Mohonasen voters approved the proposed 2024-25 school budget with 493 voting in support of the $67.8 million spending plan and 226 voting against. The budget calls for a tax levy increase of 1.84%. In the Board of Education election, Ericka Montagino was elected for a second term and Theodore Perretta and Nicholas Giardono were elected…

  • Mohonasen Spring Concerts

    The music department invites the Mohonasen community to enjoy the upcoming Spring Concert Series. All concerts are held in the high school auditorium and are free to the public. Concert Dates: Draper and High School Select Ensemble Concert Thursday, April 256:30 p.m. Draper Middle School Grades 6-8 Spring Concert Tuesday, May 146 p.m. High School Spring…

  • Helmet handout and Learn to Ride program

    The Mohonasen physical education department, in partnership with the Rotterdam Police Department and the Mohonasen Foundation for Excellence, gave every kindergartener their very own bicycle helmet. The helmet handout program has been running for over 20 years at Mohonasen, highlighting the district’s long-standing commitment to student safety and community collaboration. Two members from the Rotterdam Police…

  • Mark your calendars for kindergarten registration

    If your child will be 5 years old by December 1, 2025 — it’s time to register them for kindergarten. Important dates to remember: Call 518.356.8401 for more information. Kindergarten packets must be filled out in order for a child to be fully registered for kindergarten. Please note that residency documents are required even if you have…

  • Seen at; 2024 Family Fun Fair

    Hundreds of community members gathered at Draper Middle School for the K-6 Family Fun Fair on March 7. Students had the opportunity to participate in STEM activities, art projects and athletics. VIA Aquarium joined the fun and provided students (and families) a chance to see and interact with reptiles and marine invertebrates. Mohon Masque Jr.…