Category: Bradt Primary

  • Elementary half day food program

    On elementary half days, the breakfast and lunch programs run as usual. The lunches are served in a grab-and-go manner at the regular cost of $3.30 and students eat during snack time. Students partaking in the half-day lunch program will be charged as usual.

  • 2023 Bradt STEAM Night

    The annual Bradt STEAM Night is back for a night of fun, interactive science experiments. STEAM night will take place on Nov. 9 in the Bradt cafeteria from 5 – 6:30 p.m. Registration is now open. This event is tailored for young scientists in grades K-2 and will include activities such as Van De Graaff…

  • 2023-24 calendar e-version available

    The 2023-2024 Mohonasen district calendar will be arriving in mailboxes soon. In the meantime, a downloadable PDF version is available for families here. 

  • Dept. of Transportation rolling out My Ride K-12

    Mohonasen has a new feature that allows parents to track the location of their child(ren)’s bus in real time so you will know when to expect the bus in the morning and in the afternoon. If you would like access to this feature, an app called “My Ride K-12 Parent App”, is now available. You…

  • 2023-24 free and reduced price meals application now available

    At Mohonasen, free or reduced-price breakfast/lunches are provided to students who meet the income guidelines set by the National School Lunch Act. Per the federal government, applications must be submitted yearly to continue receiving these benefits. Application forms are located below. Please submit your application by email to,  fax to (518) 356-8294 or to…

  • Mohonasen to supply all basic school supplies for students in September

    The Mohonasen staff has been working hard to ensure every student has the proper tools to succeed this coming school year. Mohonasen will again supply students with all their basic school supplies beginning in September.  At some grade levels, there may be exceptions to this, such as backpacks and lunchboxes, but if your family is…

  • Summer Meals

    You can apply for free and reduced-price meals for the 2023-24 school year here: Application for Free and Reduced Meals (2023-2024) USDA ensures that students who receive free or reduced-price school meals can get the nutrition they need when schools are closed during summer break. Through USDA’s summer meal programs, approved sites in the community can…

  • Negative school meal balances

    As the school year ends, we ask that all Mohonasen families pay any outstanding school meal charges that your student(s) may have.  Any student’s negative account balances can be paid by sending payment in the form of cash, check or money order to school with your child. Checks can be mailed to Mohonasen Food Service at…

  • Bradt students become published authors; “We’re Wild About Animals”

    Students in Amber Newman’s first-grade class have become published authors through a national student publishing program, Studentreasures Publishing. The students wrote and illustrated “We’re Wild About Animals,” a book about their favorite animals. The idea for their book started when they began learning about persuasive writing. Students decided they wanted to write a book to…

  • Information about Grade 2 moving-up celebration, field day and luncheon

    Important information related to the grade 2 moving-up celebration, field day and luncheon — Grade 2 students will participate in the moving up celebration, field day activities, and a special luncheon on June 15.  The rain date will be on Friday, June 16. The moving-up ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. on the basketball court…