Category: Bradt Primary

  • Superintendent Update – swatting suspect arrested

    Dear Mohonasen Parents, Faculty, and Staff, I am writing with an update to the recent “swatting” incident experienced by the District as a whole and Bradt Primary School in particular. Thanks to the combined efforts of Rotterdam Police, NYS Police and the FBI, the person responsible for this particular swatting incident has been identified by…

  • Grade 1 Morning Program

    The Character Recognition Awards are presented to Bradt students who show kindness and thoughtfulness to their teachers and fellow students. Our first graders had their award ceremony on April 5, which was recorded. You can find the video below. Grade 1 Morning Program video here As our Bradt students say, make it a great day…

  • Superintendent Update regarding “swatting” threats

    Dear Mohonasen Parents, Faculty, and Staff, I am reaching out to inform you that the district became aware this afternoon of a threat made last night on Twitter that specifically named Bradt Primary School. The district has shared this information with our local law enforcement partners and they are currently investigating.  All students, faculty, and…