Category: Draper Middle School

  • Mohonasen Board appoints Thomas O’Connor as new Draper Principal

    Thomas O’Connor was appointed Monday night by the Mohonasen Board of Education as the new building principal at Draper Middle School. O’Connor brings an extensive background in education and administrative experience as he steps in to lead the building for the 2023-24 school year.  O’Connor started his educational career teaching grade 12 English in Maui,…

  • 2023-24 free and reduced price meals application now available

    At Mohonasen, free or reduced-price breakfast/lunches are provided to students who meet the income guidelines set by the National School Lunch Act. Per the federal government, applications must be submitted yearly to continue receiving these benefits. Application forms are located below. Please submit your application by email to,  fax to (518) 356-8294 or to…

  • 2023 Draper yearbooks available

    The second order of 2023 Draper yearbooks are in! They will be distributed next Friday, August 11 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for those who have already purchased one. There are also extra yearbooks available for sale. The cost is $30 either cash or a check made out to Draper Middle School Yearbook. If you are…

  • Mohonasen to supply all basic school supplies for students in September

    The Mohonasen staff has been working hard to ensure every student has the proper tools to succeed this coming school year. Mohonasen will again supply students with all their basic school supplies beginning in September.  At some grade levels, there may be exceptions to this, such as backpacks and lunchboxes, but if your family is…

  • Summer Meals

    You can apply for free and reduced-price meals for the 2023-24 school year here: Application for Free and Reduced Meals (2023-2024) USDA ensures that students who receive free or reduced-price school meals can get the nutrition they need when schools are closed during summer break. Through USDA’s summer meal programs, approved sites in the community can…

  • Draper High Honor and Honor Roll for Quarter 4

    At Draper Middle School, High Honor Roll is awarded to students who achieve a grade point average of 94.5 or above. Honor Roll is awarded to students who achieve a grade point average of 84.5 to 94.5. 2022-2023 School Year Draper High Honor Roll Quarter 4 Grade 6 Caffarella, Addison Carter, Calla Coburn, Nora Colomb, Avery…

  • Negative school meal balances

    As the school year ends, we ask that all Mohonasen families pay any outstanding school meal charges that your student(s) may have.  Any student’s negative account balances can be paid by sending payment in the form of cash, check or money order to school with your child. Checks can be mailed to Mohonasen Food Service at…

  • Draper last week of school schedule

    Draper will have half days on June 20, 21 and 22. Students will be dismissed at 10:50 a.m.  June 22 is the last day of school. 

  • Summer enrichment opportunities for students grades 6-12

    There will be summer enrichment opportunities this summer for students attending Draper and Mohonasen High School. There will be STEM programs such as Esports, 3d printing, laser engraving and rocket league.  The Mohon Masque will also offer a theater program. Registration for all Mohonasen programs will be done online at  Instructions at Enrollment…

  • MHS students traveled to Europe for spring break

    Forty-one Mohonasen High School students traveled to Europe this past spring break. The group, joined by eight district chaperones, toured Greece and Italy for 10 days. The group toured Florence, traveled to the resort town of Sorrento perched on rocky cliffs, visited the Vatican, boated to the Blue Grotto underwater cave, explored the temple ruins…