Category: Mohonasen High School
High school summer school registration 2023
High school summer school registration is now open for 2023. You can access the form here. The deadline to register is Tuesday, June 27 at 12 p.m. Please complete the form to register your student for summer school or an August Regents exam. If you are having difficulty accessing the form, please log into a…
Negative school meal balances
As the school year ends, we ask that all Mohonasen families pay any outstanding school meal charges that your student(s) may have. Any student’s negative account balances can be paid by sending payment in the form of cash, check or money order to school with your child. Checks can be mailed to Mohonasen Food Service at…
Senior walkthrough photos
On Monday, June 12, Mohonasen seniors took a trip down memory lane. Students visited Draper, Pinewood and Bradt one last time before graduating. They exchanged heartfelt goodbyes with some of their old teachers and were cheered on by younger students who lined the hallways. Congratulations to the Mohonasen High School Class of 2023!
May MHS Students of the Month
Mohonasen High School has announced the May 2023 students of the month. You can meet them here. The MHS Academic Student of the Month award is presented to a student based on multiple criteria. This award is not necessarily about good grades but about those students who demonstrate specific characteristics in their behavior and work. As a school body, we are…
Summer enrichment opportunities for students grades 6-12
There will be summer enrichment opportunities this summer for students attending Draper and Mohonasen High School. There will be STEM programs such as Esports, 3d printing, laser engraving and rocket league. The Mohon Masque will also offer a theater program. Registration for all Mohonasen programs will be done online at Instructions at Enrollment…
Summer program health class
The Mohonasen summer program is now offering a section of health class. This is an opportunity for students with busy schedules to meet the graduation requirement of 1 credit in health. This class is for first-time health takers only. You can not already have failed health and take this class. You may be able to…
Shark Tank; MHS edition
High school students taking entrepreneurship, an offered business elective at Mohonasen, competed in their first-ever business pitch competition. Students created their own businesses and pitched them to “investors” to try and sell their idea. They designed a business model, marketing strategy, operating plan and competitive analysis outlining a comparison of their business to their competitors. …
2023 senior information; message from Principal Chandler
Dear seniors and parents/guardians of seniors, Congratulations on making it this far. We are almost there and have already begun celebrating at many of our awards programs, concerts, and athletic finales. With just over one week of classes left, I’d like to share our plans for Chromebook collection, cap and gown distribution, and our Senior…
Spectrum Athlete of the Week: Alexis Brown
Mohonasen senior Alexis Brown was the Spectrum athlete of the week. Brown is a decorated track and field student-athlete, earning her a top spot as a hurdler and jumper in the Colonial Council. She has been captain of the track team for two consecutive years while maintaining a near-perfect GPA. Brown makes us Mohon Proud!