The Mohonasen Code of Conduct was developed in an effort to:
- Clearly define the expectations for acceptable conduct on school property;
- Identify the possible consequences of unacceptable conduct;
- Ensure that discipline, when necessary, is administered promptly and fairly;
- Support the Dignity For All Students Act.
The complete Code of Conduct can be found online or in any Mohonasen school main office.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Every student has the responsibility to attend school regularly, to be considerate of others and to observe the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct should be thought of as the rules for the school, including all school functions.
You have the right to feel safe at school. All students have the right to concentrate on their school work and activities and enjoy them without worrying about unkind words and actions from others. No student should be subjected to harassment, bullying or discrimination based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex by school employees or students on school property or at any school-sponsored function.
It is against school rules for anyone to make anyone else feel uncomfortable due to any of these characteristics, or to make anyone else feel threatened or unsafe in general. Even if an action takes place off school grounds, it can be considered against school rules when it negatively impacts the ability of a student to focus on their school work and participate in school activities.
All students are expected to:
- Respect themselves, fellow students, faculty, staff and school property;
- Arrive at school and to all classes on time;
- Bring all necessary school work and materials to class; and
- Cooperate and be respectful throughout the day, doing what is asked by school leaders, teachers and staff members.
Dignity for All Students Act
A state law known as the Dignity for All Students Act focuses on ensuring that your school is a safe place and that all students know they are protected from certain types of behavior. Each school has a Dignity for All Students Act Coordinator, who is trained in addressing the issues covered by the law. This is your school principal. If anyone is making you or anyone else feel unsafe, bullied, threatened or harassed, please talk to your principal or another adult at school.
Reporting & Retaliation
All students are expected to promptly report any violations of the Code of Conduct to the appropriate adult. This includes incidents of other students or staff being harassed or discriminated against by students, school staff or other individuals on school property.
In addition, any district staff member who observes or learns of an incident or possible incident of harassment or discrimination must take immediate and appropriate action to report the incident to the administration. Staff members must also take steps to both end the harassment or discrimination and prevent it from reoccurring.
Any act of retaliation against a person who reports, investigates or participates in the review of a complaint of harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated.
Academic Integrity
Every student’s work should be his or her own. Students have the responsibility to complete their work themselves and to acknowledge sources of information used in that work. The Code of Conduct contains more information about the rules of academic integrity and the consequences for violating them.
Dress Code
Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. A student’s dress, grooming and appearance should:
- Be safe, appropriate and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process.
- Ensure that underwear is completely covered with outer clothing.
- Include safe footwear at all times.
- Not include hats/headgear in the school, except for medical or religious purpose.
- Not include items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous or denigrate others on account of actual or perceived race, color, religion, religious practice, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, sex, weight or disability.
- Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal or violent activities.
- Not denote or represent gang affiliation.
Disciplinary Action/Student Conduct
Students may be subject to a range of disciplinary actions, which are outlined in the Code of Conduct, if they engage in conduct that is disorderly; insubordinate; disruptive; violent; threatening; endangering to the safety, moral, health or welfare of others; or includes academic misconduct.
Students have a right to be informed when they are accused of violating the Code of Conduct. In this event, students have a right to present their version of the facts before consequences are decided. During the disciplinary process, the district will communicate with students, parents/legal guardians, teachers, guidance personnel, other staff and/or the superintendent as necessary.
Disciplinary action, when necessary, will be firm, fair and consistent in an effort to be most effective in changing student behavior. As a general rule, discipline will be progressive. When determining disciplinary action, authorized school personnel will consider the student’s age; the nature of the offense; the circumstances that led to the offense; the student’s prior disciplinary record; the effectiveness of other forms of discipline; information from parents, teachers and/or others; and other extenuating circumstances.
Disciplinary penalties include, but are not limited to warnings, notification to parents, detention, suspension from athletics or other activities or privileges, in-school suspension, removal from class, and short or long-term suspension from school.
In addition, the Code of Conduct affords students with disabilities certain procedural protections whenever school authorities intend to impose discipline upon them. These procedures are consistent with the safeguards required by applicable laws and regulations.
Student Searches and Interrogations
School officials who are authorized to discipline students may question a student about any alleged violation of the law or the Code of Conduct. Officials are not required to contact parents/guardians before questioning a student. All students will be told why they are being questioned.
In addition, school property including lockers are subject to search by school officials at any time. Officials may also search students and/or their belongings if they have reasonable suspicion that the search will result in evidence that the student violated the law or Code of Conduct. More information about student searches and interrogations can be found in the complete Code of Conduct document.
It should be noted that district officials are committed to cooperating with police officials and child protective services to maintain a safe school environment. Specific procedures are detailed in the complete Code of Conduct.
Visitors to the Schools
All persons on school property or attending a school function shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner. Visitors must follow the Code of Conduct. Any unauthorized person on school property will be reported to the principal or his/her designee and will be asked to leave.
Definitions of the following terms are available in the complete Code of Conduct document: Parent, Disruptive Student, School Property, Violent Student, Harassment, Employee, Weapon, Gender; Disability; School Bus; School Function; Cyberbullying.
School Principals & Dignity for All Students Act Coordinators
- Mohonasen High School: Kevin Warren, 356-8301
- Draper Middle School: Richard Arket, 356-8350
- Pinewood Intermediate School: Jason Thompson, 356-8430
- Bradt Primary School: Leslie Smith, 356-8400
For more information about the Code of Conduct:
The complete Code of Conduct is posted online.
Copies of the complete Code of Conduct are available in each school’s main office.
Please contact your school principal if you have additional questions or need more information about the Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct is reviewed and updated as necessary each year. It is also approved by the Mohonasen Board of Education.
This summary document is being distributed to all students and parents pursuant to New York State Education Law.