
Your voice can make a difference

Be an advocate for Mohonasen’s students

Mohonasen Central School District—like school districts throughout New York—is facing a fiscal crisis. The GEA, coupled with new mandates and the state’s tax levy limit, has challenged public schools to continue to provide a high-quality education to all students with significantly fewer resources. As a result, districts have made devastating cuts to educational programs as they adjust to rising costs that are outpacing revenue.

District leaders at Mohonasen have been working with staff and community members to find creative ways to weather the economic storm without sacrificing the integrity of our program. Yet without meaningful and timely relief from our government leaders, district residents may risk losing the high level of public education that they have come to know and value throughout the years. The time for change is now. The voices of school leaders and lobbyists for state-level education groups simply are not enough, as recent legislative sessions have shown. Elected officials need to hear from you, their constituents.

They need to hear from the people that are most directly impacted by their decisions (or indecisions) year after year—the students, parents, employees, residents, community groups and business owners of Mohonasen.

But what can I do?

Advocacy takes many forms. It could be a note to an elected official, a comment made during a public forum, a letter to a newspaper editor or formal testimony at public hearings. It could be as simple as chatting with neighbors to clear up misunderstandings about education issues or sharing education-related stories with a local civic organization during monthly meetings.

Becoming an advocate for education is not as hard as you might think. Anyone can become involved, at any level they choose. The only prerequisite necessary is a desire to fight for our students and our community schools. Effective advocates do their homework. They know the issues and plan their communication. Most of all, they give their time to advance their cause.

Thank you for taking the time to advocate on behalf of the children of Mohonasen and for helping to ensure that they receive the high-quality education they deserve.

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