Appendix 1 – Placement Procedures For New Referral
The principal (or designee) receives a referral to CSE/Child Study Team or Instructional Support Team and forwards it to the appropriate committee.
Principal (Either of the following two procedures may be followed.)
Child Study or ISS Teams
Meeting is held to determine what the issues are and what information is needed.
Relevant assessments are conducted and information is collected.
Child study team reviews information.
Recommendations are made regarding accommodations to student’s present program.
(Referral is made to CSE if it is suspected that student has a disability.)
Information and consent forms are sent to parents and evaluations are conducted according to procedures outlined in Part 200 Regulations.
School psychologist or primary service contacts parents to discuss program options and recommend services.
CSE meets to review information and make recommendations regarding program, services, and IEP.
Evaluating psychologist assists in locating appropriate program and services according to CSE recommendations.
Appendix 2 – Placement Procedures For Transfer Students
Student registers with Registrar
If special needs are indicated, Registrar must notify the Student Services Office. Parent of student meets with Student Services staff to clarify previous services received. The student’s school building is determined and school psychologist and subcommittee chairperson are contacted and an interim placement is made consistent with current IEP.
The student’s school building is determined and school psychologist and subcommittee chairperson are contacted. An interim placement or temporary services, which may include tutoring, are provided until placement consistent with the IEP is achieved.
(Additional steps for both 1 and 2 above.)
Records are obtained from previous school district and reviewed by psychologist and receiving teacher(s)
Further evaluations are conducted by the psychologist if necessary.
CSE meeting is held to make recommendations and develop new IEP appropriate to demonstrated needs and current evaluations.
Appendix 3 – Placement Procedures For Identified CSE Student
Contact with parent made by school psychologist or primary service provider. Communication takes place regarding placement options, recommended services, and IEP goals.
(Next steps)
Annual review is held by building CSE subcommittee, or District CSE, if appropriate.
Student’s needs and current levels of functioning are reviewed.
CSE develops IEP and recommendations are made regarding appropriate placement and program.
Parent or teacher may request CSE meeting at any tie to discuss IEP recommendations or implementation.
Appendix 4 – Standardized Test List Inventory
Achievement Tests
Measure learning that has occurred in a particular subject or subjects. This learning may be the result of formal or informal educational experiences. Achievement tests are typically administered by school psychologists or special education tests. The decision of which test(s) to use is based upon the judgment of the professional administering the test.
Multi-subject tests
Basic Achievement Skills Individual Screening (BASIS)
California Achievement Test (CAT)
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA)
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA – Updated Norm)
Peabody Individual Achievement Test – Revised (PIAT-R)
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT)
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – Second Edition (WIAT-II)
WJ-R Standard Educational Battery – Revised (WJ-R)
Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery-Achievement Battery – Third Edition (WJ-III)
Math Tests
Key Math Revised
Test of Early Mathematics Ability 2nd Edition (TEMA-2)
Reading Tests
Qualitative Reading Inventory, 3rd Edition (QRT-III)
Test of Early Reading Ability, 2nd Edition (TERA-2)
Test of Early Reading Ability, 3rd Edition (TERA-3)
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test (WRMT)
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test – Revised (WRMI-R)
Writing Tests
The Test of Written Language, 3rd Edition (TOWL-3)
Cognitive Tests
Attempt to estimate a student’s level of intelligence. They sample behaviors associated with intelligence but do not measure it directly. Cognitive tests can be administered by school psychologists only.
California Verbal Learning Test for Children (CVLT-C)
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence
Differential Ability Scale (DAS)
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT)
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 4th Edition (SBIC-IV)
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence 2nd Edition (TONI-2)
Wechsler Abbrebiated Scale of Intelligence (WASI)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children IV (WISCIV)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – 3rd Edition (WAIS-III)
Wisconsin Card Sort Test
Woodcock Johnson Psychoeducational Battery Test of Cognitive Ability – 3rd Edition (WJ=III)
Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning
Speech and Language Tests
Measure a student’s knowledge or skills in the following areas: articulation, auditory processing, basic concepts, oral motor, pragmatic language, receptive/expressive language, and/or vocabulary. These tests are generally administered by speech/language therapists although school psychologists may sometimes administer specific vocabulary tests.
Articulation Tests
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-2 (GPTA-2)
Auditory Processing Tests
Auditory Processing Test (SCAN) Elementary
Auditory Processing Test (SCAN) Adolescents
Fisher’s Auditory Problems Checklist
Language Processing Test-Revised (LPT-R)
Listening Test
Test of Auditory Comprehension of Language Revised (TACL-R)
Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills-Revised (TAPS-R)
Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills-Revised-Upper Level (TAPS)
Test of Auditory Reasoning and Processing Skills
Test of Word Finding
Test of Problem Solving Revised (TOPS) Elementary
Test of Problem Solving (TOPS) Adolescent
Basic Concept Test
Boehm Test of Basic Concepts
Bracken Basic Concepts Scale
Oral Motor Tests
Screening for Apraxia
Pragmatic Language Tests
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoke Language
Social Skills Rating System
Test of Pragmatic Language (TOPL)
Receptive/Expressive Language Tests
Assessment of Children’s Language Comprehension
Assessing Semantic Skill through Everyday Themes (ASSET)
Baukson Language Test-2
Clinical Evaluation of Fundamental Language Preschool (CELF-Preschool)
Clinical Evaluation of Fundamental Language (CELF)
Clinical Evaluation of Fundamental Language (CELF-4)
Clinical Evaluation of Fundamental Language – Revised (CELF-R)
Clinical Evaluation of Fundamental Language – Observational Rating Scale (CELF)
Communication Lab Profile
Detroil Test of Language Aptitude (DTLA-2)
Expressive Language Test
Help Test – Elementary
Oral and Written Language Scale (OWLS)
Preschool Language Scale (PLS)
Preschool Language Scale 3 (PLS-3)
Test of Early Language Development (TELD)
Test of Expressive Morphology (TEEM)
Test of Language Development Primary 3 (TOLD-P:3)
Test of Language Development-Primary (TOLD-P)
Test of Language Development-Intermediate (TOLD-1)
Test of Language Competence
Wiig Criterion Referenced Inventory of Language-Semantics, Pragmatics, and Morphology (CRIL)
The Word-Revised (WORD-R) Elementary
The Word-Revised (WORD-R) Adolescent
Vocabulary Tests
Expressive Vocabulary Test
Expressive One-Word Vocabulary Test – Revised (EOWPVT-R)
Expressive One-Word Vocabulary Test – Upper Extension (EOWPVT)
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (ROWPVT-R)
Comprehensive Expressive and Receptive Speech and Language Vocabulary Test
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test III-(PPVT-III) Form A
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test III-(PPVT-III) Form B
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R) Form L
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R) Form M
Voice Tests
Easy Does It for Voice Program
Phonological Processing Tests
Measure phonological awareness, phonological memory and/or rapid naming. A deficit in one or more of these areas is viewed as the most common cause of reading disabilities. These tests are usually administered by school psychologists or speech therapists.
Assessment of Phonological Process-Revised
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (C-TOPP)
Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis
Phonological Awareness Profile
Test of Phonological Awareness (TOPA)
Social-Emotional/Behavioral and Adaptive Behavioral Assessment
Measure a student’s current social-emotional status, the frequency and/or intensity of specific problem behaviors, or the level of competency a student possesses for functioning at home, school, and in the community. They are often in the form of checklists that can be completed by school psychologists, teachers, parents, or students themselves. Certain tools (i.e., projective tests), however, can be administered by school psychologists only. The results of any of those assessments are generally summarized by school psychologists.
AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale – School 2nd Edition
Achenbach Child Behavior checklist Teacher & Parent & Student Rating Forms
Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation Scales
Children’s Depression Inventory (CSI)
Connor’s Behavior Rating Scale Parent & Teacher
Pier-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale
Pre-Referral Interviews (PRIM) Behavior Problem Manual
Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale
Robert Apperception Test for Children
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales