May 12: Draper Bring Your Best Day

Draper parents, guardians and students,

The faculty, staff, and administration are excited to announce the last Bring Your Best Day. On Friday, May 12, Draper students will participate in collaborative STEM activities, earn participation prizes, and complete their IXL and STAR360 benchmarks. As part of the experience, students will earn points for the work completed during the day; each subsequent Bring Your Best Day will allow students to earn more points, leading to a chance to win a grand prize through a raffle drawing.

Here’s how the point system works:
● Completing the IXL diagnostic earns 1 point
● Completing the STAR360 diagnostic earns 1 point
● Completing STEM Activity earns 1 point

In addition to earning points for the grand prize, students will also receive a participation reward for their work during the day.

You can find more information here.