Message from Mr. Chandler regarding open house and military recruiters

Dear parents and guardians,

As we approach the end of our first month back to school, I am thrilled to share that we are off to a great start! I trust that you are hearing positive things at home, as I am definitely hearing them from our staff and witnessing incredible teaching and learning in our classrooms. Please encourage your children to keep up the great work! 

Please be reminded that our Open House program takes place beginning at 6 p.m. on October 5. I’ll send a separate message specifically about the open house at the beginning of next week, but parents generally follow a truncated version of their child’s schedule and have a chance to hear from each of their child’s teachers. 

On an unrelated note, our local military recruiters will be soon beginning their recruitment efforts. If you would like to opt your child out of military recruitment lists, please notify our Counseling and Career Center. One easy way to do this is to email our administrative assistant, Ms. Hosmer, at

Happy Fall,

Craig Chandler