2023 MHS Academic Letter Awards Ceremony

The district recognized students in grades 10, 11, and 12 who have earned a 90% or higher GPA in at least three of the four previous school year marking periods during the 2023 Academic Letter Awards Ceremony. 

“Their dedication to academic excellence shows the realization of their potential and has set a shining example for others to follow,” said high school principal Craig Chandler. “Their outstanding grades reflect not just their intelligence but the hard work, perseverance, and commitment to success they apply each day.” 

Students with high school principal Craig Chandler. Photos by Upstate Images

Full list of students

Abbott, Daniel
Abbott, Wade
Alesio, Dylan
Allen, Nyah
Altimari, Laila
Andi, Natalie
Andriola, Olivia
Anum, Amir
Audette, Ariana
Avery, Lucas
Bachorik, Hannah
Baldwin, Brooke
Barnes, Daniel
Baurle, Alexis
Bencze, Rachael
Benintende, Kyle
Berghela, Miabella
Blessing, Leah
Bradley, Danyella
Bradshaw, Wyatt
Brammer, Juliana
Bullinger, Carter
Burgess, Isabella
Buskey, Ava
Buzzell, Anthony
Campagnano, Daniel
Carter, Max
Casterlin, Piper
Castelli, Morgan
Castelli, Olivia
Ceccucci, Hannah
Cecil, Matthew
Chunilall, Daren
Clemovich, Michael
Clute, Isabella
Coats, Kaedyn
Collins, Kussandra
Conover, Paige
Cooper, Brayden
Corsaro, Nicholas
Crisafulli, Nicholas
Crowther, Hannah
Crux, Andrew
Cummings, Brianna
Cunningham, Tyler
D’Annibale, Alexander
Dalrymple, Carson
Davis, Monique
De La Cruz, Michael
Della Rocco, Ryan
Denegar, Tyler
Dicostanzo, Anna
DiCostanzo, Vincenzo
DiLallo, Chloe
DiPietro, Isabella
DiSorbo, Devon
Dixon, Kaitlyn
Doe, Togba
Dolar, Isabella Clarize
Donnelly, Abigail
Donnelly, Ian
DonVito, Michael
Duell, Justin
Duell, Sara
Eadie, Sycila
Eimers, Hunter
Farnam, Tayler
Ferreira, Elcie
Fish, Ryan
Fitzgerald, Kelsey
Flansburg, Alec
Floyd, Melanie
Fredenburg, Miley
Frese, Jayden
Frisone, Gabriella
Frulla, Layne
Fuentes, Kylie
Gandrow, Isabelle
Gannon, Blake
Gilbert, Zachary
Girard, Angelina
Giso, Cecilia
Gleichsner, Evangeline
Glenn, Madison
Goldstein, Evan
Greeley, Kaylin
Grimmer, Dorothy
Guzek-Romano, Logan
Haig, Keira
Hamblet, Juliana
Helenek, Christopher
Hetzer, Claudia
Hladik, Victoria
Hodge, Catelyn
Horne, Liam
Hunter, Lucia
Iadicicco, Alexander
Isabella, Gino
Iuliano, Cristian
Jones, Gabriella
Jones, Kaitlyn
Karp, Laurel
Kehrer, Alex
Kelly, Marisa
Kinze, Raymond
Lagasse, Jenna
Lavenia, Meghan
Leclerc, Sarah
Lehman, Lauren
Lewis, Elizabeth
Li, Jacky
Lieu, Vincent
Lindemann, Emily
Lowman-Scranton, Maximillian
Macapinlac, Kianna
MacDormand, Kendi
Mach, Brianna
MacTurk, Grace
Madden, Noah
Maimone, Angelo
Maitino, Melissa
Maksuti, Amelia
Manzo-Pietrefesa, Noelle
Marmaduke, Alyssa
Marriner, Abby
Martin, Danielle
Martin, Icesis
Massaroni, Sophia
McCarthy, Connor
McCumber, Molly
McFarland, Tessa
McGovern, Aidan
McGovern, Keegan
McGuire, Rowan
McLean, Shelby
Medina, Marianna
Menagias, Santino
Miller, Eric
Miller, Rachel
Miller, Zoe
Montanaro, Savanah
Montanez, Anthony
Moore, Shea
Morgan, Cole
Mosher, Jaeden
Mostroller, Madeline
Mucci, Cecelia
Nadareski, Ryan
Nevin-D’Allaird, Elijah
O’Connor, Chloe
Olszewski, Noah
Pacelli, Caleb
Palleschi, Alessandra
Palleschi, Vanessa
Palmer, Christian
Paniccia, Mia
Paolino, Jacob
Paolino, Luke
Parent, Alexander
Perretta, Madison
Perretta, Sadie
Perry, Rorick
Persaud, Ameesha
Petrocci, Isabella
Pitt, Alaina
Polimeni, Daniella-Grace
Pollizatto, Aiden
Prastio, Giana
Qasem, Nadia
Quenneville, Abby
Quenneville, Ava
Quickenton, Maxwell
Quinlivan, Melissa
Quinlivan, Nicolas
Quinn, Daniel
Raym, Zachary
Regan, Abbigale
Rexford, Daniel
Reynolds, Allyson
Richmond, Caitlyn
Rogers, Matthew
Ryan, Christopher
Salhan, Anisha
Salvio, Zachary
Sanders, Danika
Sausville, Noah
Schmid, Gavin
Schoonmaker, Riley
Scorzafava, Nicholas
Scorzafava, Ella
Secor, Cole
Shiely, Andrew
Shiely, Brandon
Shults, Madelyn
Shults, Taylor
Slater, Kylie
Small, Matthew
Smith, Bruce
Smith, Lola
Smith, Sara
Smith, Uchenna
Soto, Donovan
Soufiane, Jalwaj-Soubai
Stevens, Tegan
Stickney, Kelsey
Sullivan, Cael
Swint, Kevin
Tavares DaSilva, Amadeu
Tedisco, Nicholas
Thayer, Alexis
Tighe, Aubrie
Tourville, Bridget
Tremblay, Anthony
Valentino, Madison
Van Wormer, Joshua
VanderVoort, Alexandria
VanGarderen, Jack
Varga, Julia
Vasquez, Mekka
Viall, Michael
Warlik, Paige
Warner, Amber
Wiltsie, Nathan
Wright-Clements, Shazear
Yager, Henry
Zinnershine, Lily

