Mohonasen students at the Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education (CTE) Albany Campus teamed up with fellow students from the Capital Region to initiate a shoe collection drive, aiming to donate footwear to underprivileged communities.

Members of the SkillsUSA organization on the CTE campus kicked off the collection. The goal is to collect 625 pairs of shoes, “but more would be great.”
Students will collect the new and gently used shoes from collection points weekly through Feb. 16. The shoes will then be shipped to Funds2Orgs.
Mohonasen senior, Gino Isabella, who is an active SkillsUSA member would like to encourage students and staff to contribute to the shoe collection.
“Shoes aren’t just a fashion statement but an everyday essential that much of society overlooks. This community service helps to support and benefit those who don’t have access to everyday essentials like shoes,” said Isabella.
Collections boxes will be located in the lobbies of Albany CTE, the administrative offices and the other schools. Albany CTE is located at 925B Watervliet-Shaker Road, Albany, NY, 12205 and the administrative offices are located at 900 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Albany, NY, 12205.