Clubs & Activities: Mohonasen High School

Clubs/Activities Offered

The Arrowhead

The Arrowhead is the high school student newspaper. If you’re an aspiring writer or you like to draw or take photos, The Arrowhead is a great way to get hands-on experience, build a portfolio and have fun at the same time! Reporters and artists are always needed.

Members of The Arrowhead staff are expected to contribute one to three articles per paper – by the necessary deadlines. Examples of past articles include editorials, sports articles, school news stories, current events, trivia, advice columns and college spotlights. New ideas are always welcome.

Art Club

The art club is open to all students in grades 9-12. Meetings are held weekly to accommodate student schedules. The art club is an opportunity for students to explore the world of art in an atmosphere that is less rigorous than a formal academic program. Students will select and work on various small art projects throughout the year. The art club is focused on fundraising to support Mohonasen Art Scholarships for graduating seniors pursuing a major in art at college.

Audiovisual Club

The Audiovisual Club provides students with opportunities throughout the year to film and broadcast various school events.

Color Guard

Mohonasen’s Color Guard is open to students in grades 8-12. The Guard accompanies the Marching Band at competitive field shows and parades. Guard members add a bit of pizzazz to the band by flashing and twirling batons, flags and rifles and dancing while the band performs. Members also compete against other color guards in New York State and beyond.

Students also have the option of participating in the Indoor Guard during the winter months. It is also possible for instrumental students to participate in Color Guard.

Students are usually asked to attend meetings before the school year is over and are expected to attend practices beginning in July and participating in Band Camp, held the last two weeks of August.

History Club

The History Club’s goal is to explore issues in World and American history through activities, movies, trips and discussions. Come and promote a deeper understanding of the world around us. Available to all high school students.


The Impressions staff helps design and create the high school literary magazine. Any student can join the staff, and all students (grades K-12) are ­encouraged to submit their poetry, stories, tributes and artwork to the magazine. The Impressions staff chooses what will be published and is responsible for the design and production of the magazine. At the end of the year, it’s printed and distributed to students and staff.

International Club

The International Club is a forum for students who wish to learn more about other countries, customs and peoples, to explore their heritage, broaden their world view, and ultimately, to foster world peace. The club is not an honor society, and is open to all high school students who meet club criteria. Students do not have to be studying a foreign language in order to join the club. Some ideas for club activities include guest speakers, movie nights, world cuisine potlucks, field trips and much more.

Mohon Masque

“All the world’s a stage” – at least that’s what many aspiring actors and actresses might believe. Mohon Masque generally puts on two plays each year – one in late fall/early winter and a major musical production in the spring. Mohon Masque has a reputation for putting on outstanding performances with excellent attendance from loyal fans in the community.

Tryouts and rehearsals are announced at least a week in advance to give students time to prepare. Even if acting, singing and dancing aren’t for you, there are many other ways to get involved in the plays. Directing, stage crew, set building, costumes, fundraising and lighting are just a few of the behind the scenes opportunities for students.

Mock Trial Team

The Mock Trial Team is for students interested in law, the judicial system and related careers. Team members are presented with a court case by the New York State Bar Association, which they break down into what each side needs to prove to win and the types of evidence added by each witness. The team then agrees on which members will be lawyers, who will be witnesses and who will assist the team. Each side in the case then formulates their courtroom strategy, and team members then practice, practice and practice. Beginning in mid-January, Mohonasen’s team competes against others from Schenectady County schools. A regular competition season schedule is followed by playoffs, which are held as a single elimination tournament.

Odyssey of the Mind

Creative problem-solving comes from teamwork, cooperation and risk-taking. That’s the principle behind Odyssey of the Mind, an international problem-solving competition that is both fun and challenging.

Students team up to work on one of several open-ended problems that the international OM organization poses each year. For example, one problem may require students to build a structure that meets specific guidelines… Another problem may require a theatrical solution that is written and performed by students.

The problems are the same for all teams but the solutions vary based on the innovation of the students involved. There is a regional competition each spring and, depending on how students score, they may proceed to the state level or beyond. Find out more about Odyssey of the Mind.

Click here to read more about Odyssey of the Mind at Mohonasen Central School District.

Peers for Peace

Peers for Peace Diversity Club is a group committed to building a welcoming community for all students by addressing issues of intolerance. During bi-weekly meetings, club members will work together to plan school activities that promote tolerance and acceptance of all people throughout the school. New members are always welcome!

Peer Mediation

Student mediators are trained to help other students resolve conflicts in a constructive, non-violent fashion. Any student can request mediation at any time during the school year. Peer mediators sit down with the students who are in conflict and help them identify the source of the problem and find lasting solutions that satisfy both parties.

Students who are interested in becoming peer mediators must attend 12 hours of training. It is a worthwhile experience for any student – particularly those interested in counseling or law careers.

Science Club

The Mohonasen Science Club provides students with an opportunity to participate in science outside of the typical classroom setting. The club creates a forum for scientific discussion and hands-on science activities. Planned activities include area hikes/trips, spearheading recycling efforts, sponsoring guest speakers on science topics, cleaning up Mohonasen and an annual year-end trip/event.

Science Olympiad

The Science Olympiad is a team of students who compete against other school districts. Students meet to develop their skills in different areas of science for the competition. The Science Olympiad is open to all students grades 9-12 with an interest in scientific competition. The team participates in three mini-olympiads in preparation for the regional competition in February.

Ski & Snowboard Club

Whether you’re an old pro or completely new to the sport, the Ski & Snowboard Club offers a chance to have fun at a sport you’ll enjoy for years. Members will go skiing and/or snowboarding at various mountains in the Northeast from January into March. You can sign up for lessons and rent equipment – or bring your own gear and just plan on hitting the slopes with your friends. Round-trip transportation is provided and membership is open to students in grades 6-12.

Student Senate

Student Senate is open to students in grades 9-12. Promoting student leadership and providing community service are the main goals of Mohonasen’s Student Senate.

Officers are elected at the start of each school year for: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, representatives to the Board of Education and class officers for each grade. The Student Senate sponsors two blood drives every year, the Band Jam during Respect Week at the high school and a holiday food drive.

Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) Club

This club is open to students in grades 7-12 who are interested in model rockets. Teams design, build and fly a model rocket that reaches a specific altitude and duration determined by a set of rules developed each year. The contest is designed to encourage students to study science, technology, engineering and math and pursue careers in aerospace. TARC is the world’s largest rocket contest sponsored by the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and the National Association of Rocketry (NAR). More than 7,000 students compete yearly and the top 100 teams compete in Virginia for $60,000 in cash and prizes with additional possibilities for scholarships.

Technology Club

The Technology Club is open to students in grades 9-12. Examples of club activities include: constructing and programming Boe-BotsTM, flying remote-controlled airplanes, and projects to benefit the community and the school. The Technology Club’s mission statement is: “As members of the Technology Club, we strive to expand our knowledge beyond the course curriculums through various hands-on projects. By applying our acquired knowledge, we hope to partake in activities that serve to improve our school and community.”

Totem – School Yearbook

Members of the yearbook staff work hard all year to create a great record of memories and noteworthy events of the year. Jobs include photography, layout and design, caption writing and information gathering. Joining the yearbook staff can be lots of fun – but it’s also lots of work. There are strict deadlines to meet and priorities to be set. The yearbook staff always has a great time and all the hard work and persistence pays off at the end of the year when the finished product is printed and distributed.

Music & Theater

High School Music Program

In the high school, students must have one unit of credit in music or art to graduate. To meet this, they may participate in band, choir or orchestra, earning one unit of credit per year.

  • Orchestra – All orchestra members receive instrumental lessons one period per week during the school year. Membership includes the study of standard repertoire, techniques of concert performance and orchestral routines. The group performs at school concerts and assemblies.
  • Choir – Mohonasen’s high school choir is a mixed group studying and performing choral music of all periods and styles. Performances are given at school concerts and assemblies. There is also a select choir for advanced students which performs at civic functions and school events. Outstanding students are chosen to participate in Suburban Scholastic Council music functions, NYSSMA solo competition, area all-state and all-state choirs.
  • Band – All band members receive instrumental lessons one period per week during the school year. Outstanding students are selected for placement in the following groups on a non-credit extracurricular basis: select band, stage band, orchestra, ensembles, participation in Suburban Scholastic Council music functions and participation in the NYSSMA solo competition, area all-state and all-state bands. Membership in the Mohonasen High School Band involves a significant “extracurricular” commitment of time and energy beyond the regular school day. Specifically, membership in the band requires participation in both:
    • Marching Band – where students gain experience in marching techniques, preparation and performance at all home football games, pep rallies, parades and various competitive field shows. Students are also required to attend “Band Camp” (9 am to 9 pm) the last two weeks of August each year.
    • Concert Band – Where students study and experience repertoire and performance, preparation and presentation at assemblies and concerts.

The Tri-M Music Honor Society is the international music honor society for High School Students. It is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership. Through more than 4,500 chartered chapters, Tri-M has helped thousands of young people provide years of service through music in schools throughout the world.

High School Concert and Marching Band

  • “High School Concert and Marching Band’ is a class that is part of a student’s course of study. It is part of their regular school day. “High School Concert and Marching Band” is one class.
  • Once a week, students enrolled in “High School Concert and Marching Band” also receive separate group instruction as part of their regular school day (e.g., group flute or trumpet lessons).
  • Students receive a grade for “High School Concert and Marching Band” that is part of their report card and GPA calculation.
  • Students enrolled in “High School Concert and Marching Band” are required to perform at two evening concerts annually, one during the winter and one during the spring. These count towards a student’s grade.
  • Students enrolled in “High School Concert and Marching Band” are typically required to march in eight weekend or after school parade performances per year. These count toward a student’s grade.
  • There is a two-week summer band camp held in early August. Participation in band camp is required but is not part of a student’s grade.
  • Students can complete make-up assignments for concert and parade performances that they miss.
  • There is an optional competition trip during the fall which includes a one- or two-night out-of-town stay. This trip usually costs three to four hundred dollars per student. This covers the cost of hotel rooms, meals and tickets to events (such as a Broadway show). Financial assistance is available for students and their families who cannot afford the trip, and students can also participate in fundraisers during the year to cover the cost. The trip is neither required nor graded, but participation is encouraged. Almost all band students take the trip each year.

Other High School Music Courses

  • High School Orchestra is a graded class offered during the regular school day.
  • High School Choir is a graded class offered during the regular school day.
  • Both High School Orchestra and Choir students can participate in optional performance or competition trips.
  • The High School Music and Arts Program also offers Jazz Band, Pep Band, Color Guard, Select Orchestra, Mohon Masque, Select Choir, String Quartets (Chamber Ensembles), and A Cappella. These are offered as extra-curricular activities.

Theatre Programs

Students from grades 4-12 are invited to participate in Mohonasen’s theatre group: Mohon Masque. Two major productions are generally staged each year, one in the late fall/early winter along with a major musical in the spring. Mohon Masque has earned a reputation for putting on outstanding performances that play to packed houses year after year.

Tryouts and rehearsals are announced at least a week in advance to give students time to prepare. Beyond acting and singing, students can get involved in many other ways. Directing, stage crew, set building, costumes, fundraising and lighting are just a few of the behind-the-scenes opportunities for students. Parents are also encouraged to get involved and continue to provide invaluable support to this important program.

Summer theatre courses are also offered at Mohonasen, for elementary, middle and high school students, alike.

In their senior year, Mohonasen High School students may also take two elective courses in theatre which count toward their English requirements for graduation. Primarily directed toward performance, the course provides training in special skills related to theatre performance and production. Students study the means of creating and producing drama as they engage in individual and group theatrical and theatre-related tasks. Theatre I covers stage direction, voice and diction, stage movement, character, analysis and fundamentals of play production. Theatre II continues skill development in these areas while delving more deeply into aspects of play production such as setting, lighting, costuming and makeup.


Participation in school sports teaches students some of life’s most valuable lessons… like how to dig deep to give your best for the team, overcome obstacles, and show grace in the face of both victory and defeat. It is our belief that interscholastic athletics provide students with a model of life itself: opportunities exist for lessons in responsibility, fair play, cooperation, concerns for others, leadership, respect for authority, good citizenship, loyalty, continuous learning experiences, health and wellness, and acceptance of the differences among individuals.

Accordingly, the district offers students opportunities to participate in nearly 20 sports across three seasons. The district’s athletic program is governed by the rules and regulations of the New York State Department of Education, the New York State Scholastic Public High School Athletic Association, Section II, and the Suburban Council. Click here to learn more about our Athletics Department.

Odyssey of the Mind

Odyssey of the Mind (OM™) teaches students how to develop and use their natural creativity to become problem-solvers. Imagine being faced with a problem that requires an original solution. It can be frightening. Now imagine not being afraid to solve that problem – that is what OM members learn. This skill and self-confidence will carry over to all areas of their lives. OM brings the classroom to life as students apply what they learn and combine it with their interests and passions to solve our unique open-ended problems. OM also emphasizes teamwork, budgeting, time management, public speaking, and so much more. This international program is designed to help students at all learning levels grow as individual learners, grow as team members, and to reach their full potential.

Click here to read more about Odyssey of the Mind at Mohonasen Central School District.

Serving students in grades 9-12
School Hours: 7:35 a.m. – 2:10 p.m.


Mohonasen High School

2072 Curry Road
Schenectady, NY 12303
Phone: 518.356.8300
Fax: 518.356.8309

Craig ChandlerPrincipal

Daniella DeLucaAssistant Principal

Stephen Karandy, Assistant Principal

Hannah Pelletier-Spector, Nurse

Attendance Office