Superintendent Update

Dear parents, faculty and staff,

I am writing to provide several updates you may find of interest.

Mohonasen Climate Surveys 

During the month of November, Mohonasen will be offering an anonymous climate survey to our stakeholders. There are four different surveys for four different groups, namely parents, faculty, staff, and students in grades 6-12. We have partnered with a third party, EdVistas, to administer the anonymous surveys. The surveys are nationally “normed”, so we will be able to receive comparative data as to how Mohonasen is doing in contrast with other regions and districts.  Additional letters and notifications about the surveys will be sent out in the weeks to come.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Athletic Shed Vandalism

I have been advised by the Rotterdam Police Department that its investigation has concluded and is now closed. I am aware that there is speculation about the identity of the person who vandalized the shed, and that the person involved may be employed by the District.  Now that the Police have ended their investigation, the District will conduct its own investigation as we held off at the request of the Police Department while it conducted its investigation.  If an employee was involved, this becomes a personnel matter for the District and I would not be at liberty to provide additional details.

Yours in Service,

Shannon Shine, Superintendent